
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Art Saves: Tanita S. Davis

Click the thumbnail to view the full-sized image.

This maybe isn't art... Maybe it's a Craft Saves Sampler. Or something. But then, who gets to decide what's art? This is just a random sampling of some of my artsy junk. A painted pillowcase (it got a stain, so the pair got a makeover), a gourd I grew and made into a birdhouse (the gourd tried to take over the yard. And REEKED. It was definitely a learning experience...that I would do again. Further from any plants I don't want strangled), some recycled jars that became gifts, some earrings I made out of shells I scavenged, some clay Kokopellis I sculpted, then painted and framed.

I didn't include my knitting,'s way too far from "art." As is most of my doodling/collaging/drawing. But these are the things that save my sanity, let my hands work and my mind go free to think up...other things. Thanks for asking me to play.

- Tanita S. Davis


  1. I love stuff. Thanks for taking the image and sharing it here.

  2. Beautiful, Tanita! And it is DEFINITELY art :).

  3. Many thanks to both Tanita and Sarah S. for being such big supporters of this project.

  4. Be broad with your definition of art, Tanita. You are transforming so much into art!

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