
Thursday, June 11, 2009

June: Do you use food for comfort?

Jenna uses food for comfort when she's anxious or unsure. Hence, the cover of Sweethearts. Is this something that you do or have done?


  1. Yes, I have used food as comfort. I love potatoes (mash potatoes, baked potatoes, french fries, etc) or mac N cheese for comfort food. Or my mother's pesto. But I don't have comfort food when I'm unsure... more when I'm just stressed out, for example, because of finals!

  2. Surely, food can be a comfort. I don't eat junk food, though, and I'm a vegetarian, so I might eat a can of corn or bread while others reach for the chips or cookies. I'm just wacky that way.

  3. Definitely, though I try hard not to. I have fibromyalgia, so what I eat has a serious effect on my body. I'm not always successful, especially under stress!

  4. I definitely do. I use junk food as a reward. Only, I end up rewarding myself all the time!

  5. I do this, too. I LOVE chips--doritos, fritos, salt n' vinegar... but I try to limit my portions. And I also turn to books for comfort sometimes, so I can enter another world for a while. It's less fattening.

  6. I think anything a person uses for comfort can be a negative or positive. It's totally natural to sometimes turn to a favorite childhood food or something when you just need to let go. The problem is when you turn to that thing instead of dealing with feelings, which is Jenna's problem. Sometimes it's hard to feel feelings! But until you feel them and process them, they always stay scary and unchanged...

  7. I tend to stop eating when I'm stressed out - not good either! But sometimes, a girl needs to settle down with a tub of ice cream to help her forget the world. Favorite flavor that makes me think of goodtimes in childhood? Mint chocolate chip. Instant feel good food.

  8. Yes. Food IS comforting. But I'm learning to replace it with other things. A Walk. A bubble bath. An hour to read on the deck. It isn't easy.

  9. Shelf Elf, I'm with you on mint chocolate chip--that flavor takes me BACK. And sometimes a spoonful has enough flavor to be a pick-me-up without becoming a binge.

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