
Monday, April 6, 2009

Rock the Drop: report in, authors and rgz!

Operation TBD

You know rgz, GuysLitWire, YALSA, and publishers are dropping 8,000 new young-adult novels, audiobooks, and graphic novels into hospitals for teens across the country on April 16th, 2009.

Now it's time to focus on YOU! We invite all of you teen readers and YA authors to participate in Operation TBD. Help spur reading on a national scale! Leave a YA book in a public place on April 16th. Look at the joy you can share when a teen finds your book!

So what right now? You need a bookplate!

Click for bookplates!

Then leave a comment here telling us what you are going to drop in your community. Want to tell us where? Think about taking a photo when you drop your book. You can upload it during the TBD Post-Op Party, a live chat in another blog post that night at 6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern. You never know who you might bump into...

Are you an author? Drop a comment here with your title and link to your site. We'd love to celebrate your work as you leave a free copy in your town! Mark your calendar for the Post-Op Party.

Spread the news about this blog! Report in now to rock the drop!


  1. I'm rocking the drop by leaving my novel, On Pointe, in my town of Sumner!

    (I can't figure out how to get the book cover up. Anyone else?)

    My blog is here.

  2. I have been thinking of where to leave a copy of Impulse...
    a coffee house? park bench? hrmmm...

  3. I'm dropping books off at a hospital, a school, the library, and possibly theatres.

  4. My plan is to drop off my box of books at Toronto's Sick Kids Hospital, for use in their library.

  5. My book doesn't come out until next year but I'm going to drop off a few good reads at the local hospital.
    Yay, Girlz! This is so great.

  6. So exciting, it's finally here! Since my book isn't out until next year, I'm planning to drop a copy of one of my faves, Sara Zarr's SWEETHEARTS (which we're featuring soon!).

  7. I am going to drop off my book and several others, at a local alternative school.


  8. I'm leaving a book on a bench in the center of town and will drop some off at the library.

  9. I'm definitely rocking the drop and will be at the Operation TBD Post-op party on April 16th!

  10. Oh, yeah, I'm definitely rocking the drop!

  11. I'll be leaving copies of Something, Maybe around the DC area!

  12. I am rocking the drop at Boston Children's Hospital with a full box of books and leaving my own SECRET KEEPER at a T-stop somewhere.

  13. Our middle school Jr. Vonlunteer Club has collected three crates full of new or gently used YA and children's books. We are "dropping" them at the local food bank. Hopefully, it will provide food for the mind as well as the body.

  14. I've been saving up books all year for this. I'm going to start in my library, then drive over to the hospital and then the mall, where I have a few spots marked out to drop. I love TBD! This year's bonus is that I get to drop my own book, as well!

  15. I will be dropping copies of my book in LA--still scoping out some good spots. I'll try to take some pictures!

  16. this is so great. i am going to drop some at the hospital where my mom works! Love the bookplates too!

  17. Will definitely be rocking the drop! I'm going to leave The Masquerade, my book out there - and a few others too.

  18. I'm going to leave a few around NYC as I meander that day, with my camera, of course! Everyone take PICTURES Of your drop, please!! Send them to readergirlz AT gmail. :)

  19. Great idea!
    My plan is to take my new book, "Cold Hands, Warm Heart," and some books by others to the boys in a writing program at juvenile hall.

    ~~Jill Wolfson

  20. I'm rocking the drop by leaving all three of my DEATH BY books around Columbus and by donating a box of YA books to the local hospital - all with TBD bookplates in them!

  21. I'm dropping my copy of Wintergirls somewhere in Conroe, TX. I haven't decided exactly where yet, but I will before then.

    My blog post about it is here.

  22. I will be taking a box of books, including some copies of Twilight, to a homeless shelter that my middle school works with because several of our students "live" that's where I will drop books. As a reading teacher, I am honored to be doing this little bit to help and thanks to all of you!

  23. Happy book dropping everyone!!


  24. I'm thinking of the bench in front of the public library that is right across the street from a junior high and also some local coffee shops.

  25. I'm going to leave at least one book in a plastic baggie out in a public area, like on the bench in front of the local library. I'm not sure which books yet, but I've got some extra copies that I'm sure someone would love to read.

  26. Book plates? Check!
    Copies of Aurelie & The Swan Maiden? Check!
    Dropped? Check!
    Blogged? Check! (

  27. It all went wayyy smoother than I thought.

    I dropped several random copies from my Del Rio Bay series: two copies of That's What's Up!, a copy of Flipping The Script and of course my debut baby, So Not The Drama.

    I'm so doing this again next year!

    Here are the deets on how it went this year.

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