
Monday, April 27, 2009

rgz postergirl Little Willow in Gothmas!

Hey rgz,

If you are in the LA area, be sure to catch our own postergirl Little Willow in Gothmas at The Eclectic Company Theatre in North Hollywood. Shows are selling out and the audience is cracking up over this rocking musical!

Little Willow is on the far left. How cute is her poise and poofy skirt?

Little Willow is on the far right.

I wish we could ALL be there to support her SOLO! Break a leg, LW!

My website


  1. So awesome, LW! I hope you get to keep the skirt!

  2. Lorie Ann, your support means so much to me.

    Melissa: Thank you! I don't know if we'll get to keep any of the costume pieces. The ballet slippers are mine, as are the hair accents: the pink and purple yarn I wear as hair accents for the majority of the show are actually from one of Holly's toys, so that's very important to me, and the red ribbons I wear for the Christmas scenes have been used by others in two other shows - which were also Christmas-themed, actually - and though I was keeper of the bows both of those times, this is the first time I've worn them myself.

    Thanks, Shelf Elf!

  3. Thank you, Erin! We were typing at the same time! :)

  4. This looks amazing!! Congrats Willow!

  5. One day, I WILL see LW in something fabulous.

    I do rather wish it was this one though. It so looks up my ally.

    Break a leg, chica!

  6. Oh-so-exciting! Any chance we can get a little tiny piece on YouTube?

    Cheers to Little Willow!

  7. Oh! I'm so excited for you, Little Willow! You look fantastic up there! Love the poofy skirt. Wouldn't it be fantastic, to take a road trip for Gothmas??

  8. Jen, Jac, Holly, and cupcakewitch: Thank you!

    Jackie: One day! :)

    JenFW: If they post anything on YouTube, I'll let rgz know.

    Holly: Thank you. I love my role. I enjoy being an innocent little ballerina. :) Road trip? That would be interesting...

  9. Wahoo! I wish I lived close by--and yes, please post something on YouTube. LW, you are going to do great!

  10. Thanks, Vivian!

    I don't think we'll be able to film anything, unfortunately, due to the theatre's production codes and regulations.

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