
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mrs. F-B Rocks the Drop!

The awesome Mrs. F-B, Oregon Librarian Extraordinaire, emailed us to show us how her library is getting ready for Operation Teen Book Drop '09!

She says, "The kids have brought in lots of books for our exchange already, and I know they're going to bring tons more in the next few days!"

Color us impressed. Look at this haul!

Remember, it's your turn to Rock the Drop tomorrow. Grab a readergirlz bookplate and take a book somewhere in your town--donate it to a library, a school, or a lonely park bench. Leave it anywhere to show your support for Teen Literature! If you're feeling inspired, snap a picture to show us how you're rocking the drop--we'll feature those on the blog soon.


  1. That is wonderful! Many thanks to Mrs. F-B and company. How wonderful. I love, love, love seeing this!

    Do they read the monthly picks? Hint, hint!

  2. This is such a great program!

  3. Little Willow, you have your own eponymous folder on my Recommended Reading list. I read your picks, but it can take me a while to get my hands on them; I am book-obtaining challenged. One of the books I'm dropping tomorrow is Band Geek Love which you recommended after my confession about an embarrassing marching band moment.

    Congrats, Mrs. F-B! What a fabulous collection and activity. I'm enjoying your blog, too.

    Cheers to cool, library media specialists.

  4. How awesome is that?!! I'm excited for tomorrow!

  5. Wow, thats fabulous!! I love this program...and its only a day a way!!

  6. Wow! That's a lot of books! I hope people will find the books dropped in public places and enjoy them!

  7. This is too cool! :) Awesome!! :)

    God bless,
    Taylor J. Beisler

  8. They should do this more often!


  9. Amazing! What an awesome display! Thank you, Mrs. F-B, for making it happen!

  10. Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone. We had our event today and it was a blast. We ended up with about twice as many books as were in the original picture! You can see pictures from today's exchange if you're interested here:

    Thanks, Readergirlz, for planning this fantabulous day. I am in awe of all of you.

  11. Hey, by the way, can anyone tell me how to get your little icon to show up when you leave a comment instead of it just being plain? This librarian is not for the Plain Jane thing...

  12. Not sure if I'll be back in time for the party, but a teen librarian here in Greeley works with at risk teens at a local apartment complex. We're rocking the drop in their rec room after the writing workshop I'm doing tonight. Thanks, readergirlz, for this great program!

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