
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Writing Retreat, 3/09

It's going to seem like we retreat frequently. But we don't. Really! It's just that this opportunity came up and so we HAD to go, right?

One weekend with members of the team who could make it: postergirl Jackie Parker, divas Dia Calhoun, Justina Chen Headley, and me (Lorie Ann Grover), here:

Two fantasies and two contemporary novels were being born. And a few good photos. This is my favorite!

There are always surprises when you go to a place sight-unseen. The next photo looks perfectly normal. But it's a skylight! The eroding mud hill was LOOMING over us. Did it make for faster typing as we all worried we'd be washed out to sea? Um. Yes.

Of course dinner out is a highlight, the chance to share how the writing day went. Just in time for happy hour!

Then back to writing in the morning!

All in all, I'm liking this retreat lifestyle. Good friends, good writing, good fun. Now, if only the whole team could make it next time...

readergirlz, rgz, Lorie Ann Grover