
Monday, March 9, 2009

We have a winner!

Wow, we got a lot of responses for the rgz Magnet Giveaway. Cool! Some here, some at my blog, some on our FB feeds and beyond.

I numbered them all and asked Husband to pick a number...

...and the winner is...

...sweetmelissa818 of A Mom With Too Little Time - which seems fitting to me! Melissa, we hope you enjoy your readergirlz magnet set, lovingly handcrafted by another mom with too little time: me.

Here's the prize, a set of readergirlz magnets (1st row: rgz splat, Lorie Ann Grover's On Pointe, Dia Calhoun's Avielle of Rhia, Justina Chen Headley's North of Beautiful, Martha Brockenbrough's Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar; 2nd row: Janet Lee Carey's Dragon's Keep, Melissa Walker's Lovestruck Summer, Mitali Perkins' Secret Keeper, Martha Brockenbrough's Things That Make Us [Sic], and Sara Easterly and Jaime Temairik's Fashion Studio!)

Please contact divas @ readergirlz dot com with the subject: "I won the magnets!" so that we can get them to you.

Thanks, everyone, for responding!

Holly Cupala, author & rgz diva


  1. I wanted to tell you--I made some of these. Way fun!

    And now I'm going to try it with very fine needlework instead of paper. Gotta get some silk gauze to stitch on.

  2. Oh, cool! Jen, if you post them, please send us a link! I'd love to see them.

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