
Friday, March 13, 2009

Rgz Street Team: Alex reviews The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

The rgz Street Team is a group of teens who bring YA reviews to our blog, led by Postergirl Miss Erin. Find out more.

Today, Alex reviews our March pick, The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson:

*slight spoiler alert if you haven't read the book*

Love is blind.

Everyone, at one point on their life, has heard this phrase. Our love can make us overlook faults and even make us overlook times when our love makes others suffer. In The Adoration of Jenna Fox, Jenna’s parents keep Jenna alive even though she is well past the point where she can be treated. Jenna’s parents use their money to basically build a body for Jenna and “upload” her brain into it. When Jenna finally wakes up, she doesn’t know who she is or who her parents are. Jenna was destined to die because of her extensive injuries but her parents could not let her go and they gave her a new body and a new life. They covered their actions with lies, and as with most lies, the truth could not be hidden forever. The truth about who and what Jenna was came out. To know the truth and try to make peace with it is much harder than it sounds.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox also covers the hot topic of technology and ethics. Just because we have the technology to do something does not make it ethical, and what feels good is not always ethical. As humans, we need to learn to draw boundaries between technology and our humanity. --Alex

PS-Postergirl Miss Erin recently reviewed another of Mary's books, A Room on Lorelei Street. Check out her review here.


  1. I love this book. Hi Alex and Erin!

  2. Nice review Alex. It was so hard to review this book without giving stuff away!

  3. Great points about ethics and science. It becomes a greater issue with a wider "gray area" on a daily basis.

  4. What a great review - I loved this book, too. Thank you, Alex!

  5. It sounds like such a good book. Thanks for the review, I am looking forward to reading it!

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