
Friday, March 6, 2009

March: What superhuman ability do you want?

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Jenna seems to be able to hear better because of the changes she has undergone. Is there one thing you wish you had superhuman abilities to do?

~the rgz divas


  1. Unlimited patience! That's superhuman, right?

  2. That is a superpower, Melissa!

    I'm going to stick with flying. :~) Super Grover and all that.

  3. Yes!! Super Grover! Super Grover is my husbands favorite Sesame Street character! And you would definitely be Super Grover!

  4. The ability to truly live in the moment!
    Jill Dearman

  5. I'd love to be able to stop time LOL...

  6. If I had three wishes they'd be:
    1. Fly like Superman. 2. Be able to breathe underwater. 3. Be able to talk to animals.

    Can I have all three?

  7. I could create 8 day weeks, and 4 day weekends whenever necessary

  8. okay, wait, changed my mind after reading Nina'a. I have always wanted to be able to fly, sans plane. It always happens in dreams, why not real life?

  9. I have no idea, there are so many that would be awesome:

    1. Flying
    2. Being able to run REALLY fast
    3. Invisibility
    4. Umm, the power to teleport? (how fun would that be, if you can't sleep you could just teleport to the other side of the world if you wanted to)
    5. Power to control fire, no clue why, I've just always thought that'd be a pretty cool power.

    ...I'll be here all day listing these, so how about the power to make up my mind? ;]

  10. Yes! Teleporting! I want someone to get on that invention quickly!

  11. Ah... pretty tempted by the "stopping time" idea. Love that. Think of all the books I could read.

    Maybe time travel? I've always wanted to experience history (but being able to come back whenever I wanted would be a must).

    I'm sure I'll think of others too.

  12. I'd love to be invisible because I could eavesdrop on the world and find so many stories, and because I could go any where any time, without worrying about danger.

  13. To not age so I have time to do all the things I want to do.

  14. This question has been on my mind all weekend - every time I thought of one, my mind went in the direction of all the bad stuff that would go with it (apparently I'm a pessimist!). Invisibility...flying...patience...those are all great. Stopping time, so that more could be squeezed into a day. But wouldn't that make me more stressed? Maybe the ability to slow things down. Or the ability to think something into existence - which could seriously get one into trouble, if one wasn't careful, but would be really great for writing books, making art, making dinner...

    Perhaps I overthink. ;)

  15. The ability to cast a bubble of protection over people.

  16. I think I already have a super power... is the ability to bake an awesome cake a super power? Not sure...

    If not, I'd like to add the ability to do stuff with the snap of my fingers (a la I Dream of Jeannie). Bye bye toilet brushing and dog washing.


  17. Mind control of others might come in handy (to convince others to want to clean my house, my child to want to sleep peacefully in his crib, etc.). The ability to function without sleep was appealing at first, but I'd probably be bored to death. Flying is of course wonderfully freeing to think about.

  18. I would love to fly and be able to travel to diferent places and through times!
    That'd definetly be very cool!

  19. Hmmm, would being a part time mermaid count?

  20. I would want something like a timeturner in harry potter so that I could get more stuff done if I were to go back in time...

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