
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March: Do You Give Too Much of Yourself?

There is a "gray page" titled Pieces where Jenna describes working so hard to give pieces of herself to others that she has nothing left for herself. Do you ever feel that way? Why?


  1. Personally, I know I do. It has taken a long time for me to realize that and then to start doing something about it. You can't always let people take and take and take of you. It isn't selfish. It's just taking care of yourself, because someone should and who better than you?

    I now know that sometimes I have to take a step back from taking care of everyone and everything and let the chips fall where they may. They may not land exactly where I planned, but they could also land somewhere even better.

  2. I'm a giver - I want to help people, and I want them to like me - and I think I give a lot, but I don't give it away.

  3. I hear you, Wendy!

    Sometimes I work so much, I do feel depleted and that there's nothing else to give. That's when I MUST step back, gain some space, and refuel. Thankfully, I work with a team that helps each person do that!

  4. I have felt this way too. For me, I think it is going to work, helping the public, and never having time for myself at the end of the day because I am too tired from helping other people.

  5. I like helping the others, this way I feel like a good person, but I allways keep some space for me.

  6. I like Silvia's balanced approach! I strive for that too, but I often say "yes" to too much.

  7. Yes.
    It's a constant balancing game for me--I want so much to help EVERYONE I know who is in need! But it can definitely get to be too much. I had a time where I was so immersed in others' lives that I sort of lost sight of myself... Thankfully that time is past, now, and I'm getting better at weighing how much I can/should give.

  8. I think I give too much sometimes. I've actually been trying to keep more of myself for just me here lately. It's so hard to say no or just let something go instead of putting your whole self into it. Maybe I'm just a control freak though. hehe

  9. I absolutely know how this feels. I think every teacher in the world has felt this way from time to time. It's so important to fill yourself up, however that works for you. I've discovered that taking time for me means that I am so much better able to give of myself to others.

  10. I use to give a lot more of myself than I do now. I am a cancer survivor and have really had to prioritze. I am no longer the busy double booking. I take things at my own pace.

    I also have wonderful boundaries. :)

  11. I don't know if I have ever really felt that way. I like to help people and it doesn't feel like that is taking away from me. I think it actually feels better knowing that you have helped someone else. =]

  12. I would say yes. Mostly it's because I want to give, but sometimes I have a hard time guaging when I need to stop and refill the tank. I strive for balance!

  13. I feel I give too many pieces of myself away, but not necessarily to others, but from myself into all my tasks. Scattered on the wind...

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