
Monday, February 16, 2009

The Perfect-Girl Pressure

Liz Funk, 20, is a college student and writer who profiled readergirlz for YPulse last month. Liz is fun, smart and accomplished--and she shines! But she knows a little bit about the pressure to present all that and more to the world.

Her debut book, SUPERGIRLS SPEAK OUT, is about the pressure on girls to be perfect. The book is on sale now, and Liz appeared on the Today Show this week to speak about the topic, which many readergirlz can surely relate to:


  1. This is great! I've got two girls and even though they're both still little, I already worry about these kinds of things!

  2. I'm so glad you posted this! I tivo'd the show and caught the inteview. Liz did a wonderful job, bringing the issue to life and sharing her own struggle and vulnerability. Kudos to her.

  3. Huzzah! I totally want to read this book.

  4. Neat! I haven't heard of "Supergirls Speak Out" it looks good though!

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