
Monday, December 29, 2008

Secrets of Charm

We only have a couple of days left with Meg Cabot and her fabulous How to Be Popular (join the final days in the forum!), so I had to bring up a book, Secrets of Charm, that I found on ebay this year. It's a hilarious primer for girls about how to be glamorous and alluring and graceful at all times.

It includes instructions on how to sit on the ground elegantly ("Hold your back and head erect. Otherwise your spine curves and your shoulders droop to make a shambles of your figure that not even a winter coat could hide.")

Plus tips for buying a hat ("How many times have you been disappointed in a new hat? What a bonbon it was in the store, and what a bitter dish on arrival!")

And even advice on "Jaw Limbering" ("To relax the jaw, move it in a circular motion and say, 'How about going to town, now?' and "the stores abound with new brown gowns.'")

Hi-larious! This one is a fantastic read. If you've ever stumbled upon a fun and outdated tome, do tell.


  1. Thanks for the fun recommend, Melissa! I haven't stumbled on another guide except for the postergirlz recommend How Not to be Popular. It really is such a fun read opposite Meg's!

  2. I'm passing this link on to a friend right now.

  3. This book sounds like a fun read :)

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