
readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Adam or Danny or...

Okay, rgz. We love our books. We love reading. But what about AMERICAN IDOL! Who is going to win, ladies?

Gypsy Wings and I are full supporters of Adam. My husband just let me know he could sing like Adam if he wanted. THAT'S a total relief. ;~)


Gypsy and I also heart Danny Gokey!


What do you say? Who are you voting for? It better be Adam. Just kidding. Mostly...

My website


readergirlz said...

Here are the divas posting. Yes, we like ADAM! We like him, alot.

Okay, it's really me. Lorie Ann. :~)

Megan said...

I have to say I hate Adam (please don't boo me), he is just to dramtic but I will say he can sing. I like Danny a little beacuse he from Milwauke(however you spell it) and I live close to there. I actually like Allison, she has a voice.

Melissa Walker said...

Okay, I love Adam, but I do really dig Allison too. At this point, they all have careers! It's a win-win-win-win-win!

Amee said...

I don't get the appeal of Adam. I was crossing my fingers tonight that it was going to be him to go. I just don't get why everyone is so crazy about him. I'm rooting for Danny all the way. He has major likability, and I would totally buy his cd!

Iris Black said...

Hey- don't watch American Idol, but both boys are pretty cute!

Good news: no matter who wins, you can always read my new short, coming out FRIDAY!


Lorie Ann Grover said...

We'd never boo you, Megan!

And yes, it's a win for everyone at this point. :~)

Summer said...

I'm voting for Anoop. I don't care what anyone says. To me he was the best and he will always have my heart.

But if you guys want Adam to win you'd better vote. Can't believe he was in the bottom two tonight. Also, Matt was my boy and I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Ooo the pressure! LOL.

Adam will for sure win by the size of his fan base. However, my heart belongs to Danny. Sorry. ;D

I predict Adam/Danny in the final.

holly cupala said...

Oooh! I haven't been watching this year, but Adam would get my pts for singing the Universal Hall Pass arrangement of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." :P

Jagger said...

I'm all about Allison.

Jagger said...
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MotherReader said...

I was really against Chris at first, thinking he just got in on the cute card, but I've really liked some of the things he's done with his songs.

Adam is a little too... much for me. I like Danny, but I feel like the judges have been so much in his corner all through that I'm kind of soured now.

Erin said...

I really really hope he wins. <3

I love Allison to death, too.

And...I love Kris's Jason-Mraz-like style and vocals.

ReaderGirl said...

Oh definitely Adam.... but I also love Danny, Kris and Alyson..... e.e I don't know!

Lorie Ann Grover said...

Summer, I missed the show last night because of LOST. *shamed* So I freaked to see your post that he was in the bottom two. EEK!

Okay, I will be calling next week for certain.

Unknown said...

Adam, of course...but if Danny wins it would be almost OK!

Unknown said...

Why Adam of course..but if Danny were to win, it would be almost OK!

Ellen Hopkins said...

Adam all the way... step it up ladies. We gots ta vote. Can't believe he was in the bottom two last night. No way! He's amazing.

Jennifer Demas said...

I'm torn. All four in the final have great voices. But wow, the range on Adam. I would be happen if any of the boys won at this point.

Michelle Kuo said...

I looove Adam! He has an amazing voice, and did you hear his great falsetto a few weeks ago? Not to mention I LOVE his hair, haha.

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